If you are paying by debit or credit card over the phone or in postal or e-mail, please read the following to insure the smoothest possible transaction; prevent fraud, and insure your personal and financial safety.
- We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover.
- You may use a debit card so long as it contains a Visa or Mastercard logo on it.
- A $2 surcharge applies to all credit card / debit card orders.
- When you contact us for information on placing an order by mail, or over the phone, please have the following information ready:
- · The name on your credit card.
- · The number of your credit card, to include the 3-4 digit sequence on the reverse of the card.
- · The mailing address associated with your credit card.
Although it is recommended (and preferred) that we ship only to the address on your card statement, we will ship to an alternate address, but only with signature confirmation, or some other verified, traceable shipping method. Again, this is done to prevent fraud and abuse of your credit card.
We are not allowed by law to record or store any credit card information in any way.