Sam Hayne's entrance music!

Shadow Fire Promotions, Inc. - "Your Chicago Source For Wrestling"™ - Sam Hayne™

Your Chicago Source For Wrestling


Sam Hayne

Sam Hayne, named after the Celtic Festival of the Dead, Samhain,

What Sam Hayne looks like under the mask is not known. Although he wears the form of a man (albeit a very large man), it is unknown if he is man or demon. Hayne is frequently referred to as the "fire-breathing demon" and it is unknown if it is an exaggeration or if Hayne indeed has some kind of supernatural abilities.

Although one would think someone of Hayne's size would be slow and lumbering, perhaps like a fictional zombie, Hayne is actually very light on his feet, possessing an amazing agility for one of his large dimensions. In that respect, Hayne could be compared to such legends as the late Bam Bam Bigelow or Big Van Vader. Hayne's large frame only makes his acrobatic manoeuvres that much mopre devastating.

Hayne is usually accompanied to the ring by the lovely Mystique, who bears the flaming torches that Hayne uses to breathe fire before his matches. It is unknown her relationship with Hayne.

Mystique, a witch, could be a follower of Hayne, as Wiccans are known to celebrate a similar festival. She has also shown a willingness to get into the ring on occasion.

In 2005 at ACW's "Last Call", the final original ACW card prior to the name being retired in favour of NWA Wisconsin, Sam Hayne captured the ACW Championship, becoming the final original ACW Champion. Although ACW was revived the next year and the ACW Championship reactivated two years following, Sam Hayne continues to retain the original Championship belt, and is considered the final "original" ACW Champion. The lineage of the ACW Championship remains in dispute, as Hayne remains undefeated for the Championship.

In early 2008, ACW wrestler Tejas did what no one had ever done before. He managed to unmask Sam Hayne. Fortunately, Mystique was able to cover his head before anyone could look at the unmasked visage of Hayne, who was not seen in ACW for many months thereafter, as Tejas would carry around Hayne's mask to taunt the demon.

However, on July 12, 2008, at ACW's 10th Anniversary Spectacular, Tejas would call out Hayne. Hayne appeared with no fanfare and with his head still covered. Tejas would continue to taunt Hayne, goading him to come close enough so Tejas could remove the towel. Although Tejas managed to remove the towel, he quickly grew as white as the towel as Hayne debuted with a new mask!

The new mask has given Hayne new purpose as he continues to carve a path of destruction through ACW and NWA Wisconsin.